Printer Profile >Samuel Hernandez, @shphotografia
Photography Style: Landscape, Fashion, Documentary, Fine Art
Paper Choice: Juniper Baryta Rag
Why do you choose this paper?: I like the thickness and color reproduction. It has the feel of Fiber Darkroom prints. It's also easy to color manage the colors always come out great!
Why do you print / have your work printed?: There's nothing like feel of a completed work of Art. Printing is that final step.
Do you print yourself or through a lab? If you use a lab, which lab?: I print myself and have been printing since late 90s. When Epson introduced the 1270 and later 1280 and P2000. I owned a Stylus 4000 for a while. Stopped printing for a number of years and the last two years been printing on Epson P800.