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Printer Profile >Darren White, @darren_white_photography

Photography Style: Landscape, Astro

Paper Choice: Juniper Baryta Rag, Entrada, Entrada Textured, Somerset Museum Rag

Why do you choose this paper?: A multitude of reasons. Each paper lends itself well to certain images. I love the slight sheen and texture of the Juniper Baryta. The smooth and textured Entrada for the wide color gamut which allows nice shadow detail. The Somerset Museum rag for it's fine art feel and look with a beautiful matte finish that doesn't compromise detail and color. The heavyweight 100% cotton of all the images give the finished product a very pleasing feel when you hold it to get a closer look.

Why do you print / have your work printed?: The print is the final process of photography (to me) We all have thousands of images sitting on memory cards or hard drives that are just sitting there. For me personally, the real beauty is seeing the finished product, the print, and that completes the entire process from scouting, capture, processing to printing. Not everyone prints and that's ok. I come from the film days where you had to print to see your work... There is a sense of accomplishment as the print exits the printer and comes to life.

Do you print yourself or through a lab? If you use a lab, which lab?: I don't print myself anymore, I used to spend a lot of time in the darkroom. When I switched to digital I printed my own images for a short time. While I love the prints and seeing the process come to fruition, I prefer to be out shooting more so now I leave the printing up to the professionals. I work closely with a lab here in Denver called Englewood Camera, I have been having them print my 20" and smaller fine art prints on Moab Paper for a few years now. By working with them, we are able to make small tweaks if needed to get the image just right.

Advice from Darren White: I think all photographers should print at least some of their work. It helps you to know what to look for in your images, you may see things in a print you don't see on a screen. Besides the beauty of the prints, I love holding them and just looking into the image and reliving those memories of the time when the image was being created out in the field.